Friday, February 28, 2014


Last Wednesday night, Friday Night Light welcomed brother Yette Valenzuela, head of Living Free Ministry - CCF MAKATI, as he shared wisdom about the ministry he handles which caters to people with, among other struggles, homosexuality. We were expecting to be taught how to minister, but we found ourselves looking at our own individual struggles... Suddenly, it wasn't about one stigma. It was about a deeper, more heart-related issue. That is what we can consider a paradigm shift -- when views and opinions change, and we enter a journey of new discoveries. It was a blessing much as it is a challenge for the twenty-plus people who attended the talk.


One great take-away was when we were told to look at homosexuality the same way as how we look at other sins.  Indeed, it is how God would see it. James wrote that “whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point” is guilty of breaking all of it (James. 2:10). Suddenly, we came to a realization that there are no minor or major sins to classify, all are found abhorrent to God.

The whole thing started to turn when Brother Yette began to talk about our pre-natal wounds, clarifying that these situations can actually impact the lives that we live when we are born into this world. These are the root causes of most struggles that we have even when we were infants and young children. Possibly words spoken to us, feelings that were conveyed improperly or even unprocessed life memories.


At that moment, we all began to see ourselves in equal plane -- a struggle is a struggle as much as a sin is, and always will be a sin. There is not much of a difference because all have struggles and we’ve all fallen to sin. This should concern us because if the standard of living is the upward call of pure, unbridled righteousness, we all fall short according to Romans 3:23. It began putting this whole "homosexuality" topic closer to our hearts as we looked at it in the lens of God and not in the faulted--most of the time judgmental--eyes of man.

It was very clear where this ministry stands on homosexuality, and it takes more than just you being "for" or "against" the issue. Instead of attacking the struggle, our friends from LFM target root causes, and every layer from the inside out is being redeemed by the power of Christ; that we received better understanding about this controversial issue is definitely an understatement. As Brother Yette explained, we can all trace it back to the root problem of man: when Adam and Eve chose to sin, we chose to put the spotlight onto our lives instead of putting the spotlight on to God.


Self-centeredness has taken hold of so many of us today. This puts into light the disappointing problems we experience on a daily basis: our inadequacies, our strongholds, our unending defeats. We ought to put the light back on God and it makes Him become who He is -- He is a BIG God, stronger than our fears and failures. Whenever we feel pressured, defeated, and outright downcast, it is time to check if the spotlight is on us or on Him. Instead of glorifying our struggles and problems, we need to glorify our Victor, our Deliverer, and our God.


Much has been asked about how to interact, correct, or minister to those who are struggling with homosexuality, and brother Yette has been consistent about not making it different from other known struggles. True enough, we got it all clear that homosexuality is a sin-- but so is lying, adultery, and yes, even gluttony. The key is to not attack the struggle, but point people to Christ. The beauty of reality is that we are all sinners being perfected by the love of Christ displayed at the finished work on the Cross – “It Is Done”, Jesus declared. In Him there is true, lasting freedom.


Our friends from LFM will launch a 10-week program this April (starting April 1), and they meet at Room 3 of CCF Makati on Tuesday evenings. Everyone is invited to join so as to learn how to minister, counsel, and pray for those facing internal struggles brought about by the ever-corrupting presence of sin in this world. It is a good thing that Jesus is always at the center of it all -- we know that there is victory in Him, and because He died and rose again, we are most welcome to enjoy life -- LIVING FREE from the bondage of sin and living in Christ's mighty presence in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. By the grace and the glory of God! Whatever we learn that makes our heart go fonder of God and biblically considered, it is the breath that comes from the Almighty! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
