Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Proverbs 31 Woman

By Rosee Alimon

There is a misconception that we are to be exactly like The Proverbs 31 Woman - perfect.  We would want to be just like her or fear that we will never be like her. Well, let’s look at her in a different light! Proverbs 31 woman is “perfect” because she is pursuing her relationship with God first, and then EVERY AREA of her life flourishes because of Him. It’s that simple. But we find it so difficult because we look to unnecessary struggles in our lives.

As single women, we struggle with so many things like discontentment, impatience, and the constant pressures of the world. Don’t you think so? We live in a world where irrational fears haunt us that we are not worth the pursuit, we compare ourselves with other women, we build our lives in pursuit of wanting our deepest desires to be fulfilled by other things or someone else.  Well guess what? If this is your only pursuit in life, then you will never find a solution to your discontentment, impatience, and the pressures of the world.

Jesus Christ is your True Pursuer and He should be your ultimate pursuit.

1. Because He pursued you first
Genesis 2:21-22 ““so the Lord God caused the man to fall into deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.”

The Lord caused the man to fall into deep sleep. While he was asleep, God made a woman from his rib, and then brought her to the man. To whom did Eve have a relationship with first? Was it God or Adam? Eve had a relationship with God first before He brought her to Adam. Her identity was first found in a relationship with God. God was Eve’s FIRST LOVE. He created her. He pursued a relationship with her. Not because she was good. Knowing what Eve did with the fruit, was she good? But God pursued her anyway. Similar to us, God pursues us not because we are good, but because HE IS GOOD. God is zealously after hearts, are we going to pursue Him in return?

2. In your pursuit of Christ in your life, you will discover the woman He created you to be and flourish.
Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

The Proverbs 31 woman’s fear of the Lord resulted in becoming the woman that God created her to be. She is able to be a wife that pleases the Lord – one who respects, honors, and submits to her husband.  Moreover, she excels in who she is- she has a heart for the poor/an entrepreneur/etc.  How about you, single woman? Have you discovered the woman God created you to be?

Genesis 2:22 “…God made woman…”

The Bible didn’t say how long it took God to create Eve, but He surely devoted so much love and labor in creating her. In the same way, God says in Psalms 139 that “you are fearfully and wonderfully made, I knit you together in your mother’s womb…” Imagine, your holy and wonderful God, formed you with His own hands. Therefore, He formed you with unique beauty, gifts, and talents that are yours to exude.  As you discover the woman He created you to be, you just bloom. He simply adorns you with His beauty and you enjoy a fulfilling life serving God and others.

One of the best gifts that you can bring to our marriage someday is knowing who you are - discover your talents, your gifts, your passion, your life’s vision, your mission, your ministry, your principles, your core values, etc. God created you with those in mind, and He would love for you to discover those things with Him. Plus, you will gain a sense of purpose when you know who you are, and the more you can influence the people around you to Christ.

3. As you pursue Christ and discover the woman He created you to be, you become SET-APART.

Proverbs 31:29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

Women, wouldn’t you want to be set-apart from the world’s standard of beautiful? Wouldn’t you prefer a beauty to be cherished for a lifetime? Know that only God can adorn you with this beauty and it is up to you to receive it or not.

Being set-apart for Him is not done out of obligation but it is a natural response when you are so secure in His love. We are called to be set-apart from the pattern of this world by: (1) living a life consumed with the self to a life consumed with Christ, (2) yielding your body, life, and control to God, (3) allowing true masculinity to shine, (4) honoring God and your future spouse with your relationships with men, and (5) being Christ’s hands & feet who is ministering His love to those in need.  

Matthew 6:33
“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Woman, whether you are in waiting or in courtship, you are called to pursue Christ first. Just like the Proverbs 31 Woman, all the areas of her life just flourishes because of the relationship she has with her Lord.  Remember that your romance with Christ is simply enhanced, not diminished by your passions and your love story with a man.

So weather you are single, in courtship, or married, Jesus Christ’s will for you is to be satisfied in Him alone and the rest is simply an overflow of His love. Always remember that having a man or being with your man is not the focal point of your existence – Jesus Christ is meant to be the lifelong FIRST LOVE of your heart

Rosee Alimon is an educator.
She loves loving people and sharing her time with others. 
She dreams to change the world through Jesus. 
She hopes one day to be a Proverbs 31 woman 
to her husband and future children. 

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